Perselisihan dan konflik biasa berjadi masyarakat dan tidak dapat dihindari. Hal itu karena perbedaan yang ada di antara individu atau suatu kelompok, baik mengenai kepentingan, status, nilai , latar belakang dan lain-lain. Konflik yang biasa dianggap negatif bagi beberapa orang, namun nyatanya juga memiliki konsekuensi yang positif. Hal itu dapat terjadi karena adanya manajemen konflik yang ba…
Agar lembaga mampu menjawab kebutuhan zaman secara relevan, up to date, dan berdaya guna, dibutuhkan pengelolaan SDM secara tepat dan benar. - Sr. M. Aquina, FSGM - Provinsial FSGM Indonesia Buku yang ditulis oleh Suster Pauli ini menjadi sebuah sumbangan yang berharga, sekaligus aktual. Dikatakan berharga karena meskipun banyak sekali buku manajemen SDM dalam organisasi, buku ini hadir den…
In today’s economy, gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage is harder than ever. Strategic Management captures the complexity of the current business environment and delivers the latest skills and concepts with unrivaled clarity, helping students develop their own cutting-edge strategy through skill-developing exercises.
Today's winner is without question the company that shows how to utilize the men and women at its disposal more effectively than its competitors can utilize theirs. In Who Cares Wins, a practical guidebook to modern management. Peter Savage draws on his own extensive experience to explain how anyone can master the art of group motivation. His step-by-step outline of the key to effective man-man…
Mudah dibaca oleh semua usia dan semua lapisan masyarakat dan bisa menemani waktu-waktu senggang anda di mana pun. Pembaca diharapkan dapat menjadi melek otak, dan bersama membangun kembali kedigdayaan otak bangsa Indonesia.
This book reflects certain judgements about the study of management which differentiate it fro, other texts. (1) The history of management thought and its so called schools is irrelevant to most students; they are oriented more toward future practice. (2) Most management jargon misleads rather than enlightens; simple, common language is sufficient and desirable. (3). Student will pursue careers…
The authors' approach to investing is that an investor must first learn about the environment in which he will be operating. That is, he should know about the risks associated with different types of investments, and the returns to be expected from them. He should know about the participants in the investnebt process, including organizations issuing the securities, investment bankers, and info…
This book is an instrument for the study of Business Policy. As a field in business administration. Policy is the study of the functions and responsibilities of senior management, the crucial problems that affect success in the total enterprise, and the decisions that determine the direction of the organization and shape its future. The problems of policy in business, like those of policy in pu…