Every living thing on the Earth depends on water. Animals need water to drink. They may eat other animals or plants, and these also need water to survive and grow. Even plants and animals that live in desert regions, where rain rarely falls, need the tiny amounts of water vapour in the atmosphere to survive.
These are millions of different things in the world, but there are just three different forms of matter. These are solids, liquids and gases. Everything in the world belongs to one of these three main forms.rnYou can probably think of hundreds of different solids and liquids. Solids like sotne and wood are hard and stay the same shape. Liquids like water and petrol can flow from place to place.…
A whole structure like a tree or an aeroplane may appear to be very complicated. But complicated structure are made up from smaller parts which are usually much more simple. In fact, most structures can be made from just five important and very simple shapes. These are sheets, cylinders, cubes, spheres and cones.