there are 100 illustrated topic panels on modern history and each panel contains 10 key facts. Facts like these:rn* When gold was discovered in Australia 1851, fourtune seekers helped to triple the country's population in just nine years.rn* Im 1837, 18 year-old Victoria became queen and reigned for 63 years- the longest reign in British history.rn* In the 1980s the JApanese government was roc…
There 100 illustrated topic panels on Ancient History and each panel contains 10 key facts. Facts like these:rn* The Emperor Trajan went to a gladiator contest that lasted 117 days and involved 10.000 gladiators. rn* Catching a bull by the horns and leaping over it ( leaping) was an important Minoan religious rite.rn* Legend has it that Cleopatra had herself delivered to Caesar in a carpet. Wha…
The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, in 1914, provided the spark that ignited the most destructive war the world had ever seen. find out about the soldiers' terrifying experiences in the trenches, and the vast array of deadly new weapons. Discover how the war affected every corner of the globe, and how it provoked revolutions and toppled empires. Stunningly illustrated wit…
Myths and legends are stories that have come down to us from the distant past. As you will discover, there are exciting tales of adventure, filled with sorcerers and witches, dragons and foblins, and all kinds of magic. Each is a story of good agains evil.rnAll of these tales were told by storyellers long before they were written down. And they were told with a purpose. Myths are about gods and…
Si Kucing Tertawa adalah kucing istimewa peliharaan Daisy. Apa keistimewaannya? Dia bisa tersenyum manis, tertawa, tersenyum sinis, dan sebagainya. Kelebihan lainnya, dia sangat cerdas dan memahami hati manusia dan binatang. Ada seekor kucing di atas menara di tengah Danau Hijau. Hal ini membuat para kucing senior marah. Mereka tak rela ada kucing tak dikenal menguasai puncak menara, sementara …
Dari seorang mahasiswi dengan ekonomi pas-pasan, Merry Riana, anak muda Indonesia, menjelma menjadi miliuner muda dan diakui sebagai pengusaha sukses, motivator yang sangat dinamis, serta pengarang buku terlaris di Singapura. Melewatkan masa kuliah yang penuh dengan keprihatinan finansial di Nanyang Technological University, Merry kemudian menciptakan perubahan paradigma berpikir dan memulai su…
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika - it is various, and yet it is one. This mystical saying of a 14th century Javanese poet is profoundly appropriate as the motto for the Indonesian state. It is the variety of Indonesia that gives it is common character. Each region replicates, in its own way, the diversities between mountail and valley, upstream and downstream large (mainland) islands and small ones, forest…
Hi, I'm Jamie, I make videos ont he internet. Enough people watched them that they let me write a book. I know , what is life?rnrnInside is my story ...... so far. Read about my cowboy hat years, the time I dug a big hole and lived in it, and the moment I pulled down my pants at a badminton game.rnrnI'll tell you my top travel tips (drink water), how to have fun at a school ball (don't go), and…
The Trojan War has been raging for almost ten years. The Achaeans seek revenge against the trojans, and there is no end in sight. Making matters worse, two great achaeans the army;s the leader. King Agamemnon, and the admired general, Achilles enter a great feud. Even the gods and goddesses swoop down from mount olympus to take part in the war, divided in loyalty between both sides. As The Ilia…