Prosea, short for 'Plant REsources of South-East Asia", is an international programme focused on South-East Asia. Its purpose is to make available the wealth of dispersed knowledge on plant resources for education, extension, research and industry through a computerized data bank and an illustrated multivolume handbook. A through knowledge of plants resources is essential for human life and pl…
Prosea, short for 'Plant Resources of South-East Asia", is an international programme focused on South-East Asia. Its purpose is to make available the wealth of dispersed knowledge on plant resources for education, extension, research and industry htriugh a computerized data bank and an illustrated multivolume handbook. a through knowledge of plant resources is essential for human lige and pla…
Tahukah kamu bahwa tidak akan ada kehidupan di bumi ini tanpa adanya tumbuhan? Temukan jawabannya di dalam buku yang menakjubkan ini. Temukan bagaimana tumbuhan dan jamur makan dan berkembang biak, dan bagaimana spesies-spesies yang berbeda dapat bertahan hidup hampir di semua lingkungan?
Indonesia is botanically one of the richest countries in the world. This is partly due to its great size, but it also rflects the legacy of a complex geological history. The existence of many islands on which endemic species have developed, and a near perfect climate for plant growth in many parts of the Archipelago. Indonesia streches across 5,100 kilometres and encompasses a very wide range o…
This book explain about anything in plant. About roots, stems, leaves: about plants need: pollination: shoots and roots, grasslands all over the world, plants in dry places: floating in the sea: in woods and forest: in the rain forest,.......
Plants are fundamental to life on Earath - they provide the oxygen we breathe, our food and beverages, spices and herbs, fibres, medicines, fuels, dyes and buiding materials. To enable botanists to identify plants they have been classified by physical features and now by their DNA. Flowering Plants: a concise pictorial guide graphically illustrates over 100 of the most important plant families …