Nancy Roberts was forty-six when her father died and Nancy was left alone in the world.rnrnThen she met Henry Jones and his sister. Nancy thought she would never be lonely again.rnrnBut a view weeks later she was alone - and she was ill. she was locked in a room at the top of a strange house.rnrnWould anyone find her before it was too late ?
Five short stories set in America in the 1920s and 1940s. The Cut Glass Bowl: a wedding present brings sorrow and bad luck.rnBernice Bobs Her Hair: Marjorie tells Bernice that if she cuts off her long hair, she will be admired by all the young men.rnGrechen's Forty Winks: Roger Halsey tricks his wife and finishes an important job.rnMagnetism: A rich and handsome film star has power over people.…
Hi, I'm Jamie, I make videos ont he internet. Enough people watched them that they let me write a book. I know , what is life?rnrnInside is my story ...... so far. Read about my cowboy hat years, the time I dug a big hole and lived in it, and the moment I pulled down my pants at a badminton game.rnrnI'll tell you my top travel tips (drink water), how to have fun at a school ball (don't go), and…
Basil Hallward painted a picture of a young Dorian Gray, he admires. Dorian isa angry because he will grow old and the picture will stay the same. He wishes that the picture would age instead of him. He buys the picture and he hides it. The years pass and Dorian never seems to age. But his wishe has tragic consequences for many people.
It's not much fun being a private eye. You get hit on the head, nearly killed, and chassed by the police. And you don't always get paid.
I looked up at the high castle walls. There were no loght in any of the windows. I heard the great wooden door being unlocked. It opened slowly. A very old man with white hair was standing there. As I stepped inside, Count Dracula took hold of my arm. He was tembly strong and his hand was as cold as ice.
Jakarta adalah salah satu kota di dunia yang berkembang dengan cepat, ibukota negara yang tertua di seluruh asia tenggara, yang pernah menjadi bandar pusat seluruh jaringan perniagaan di antara Capetown (Afrika Selatan) dan Nagasaki (Jepang). Sampai sekarang ini Jakarta masih menawarkan banyak tempat bersejarah, asal diketahui latar belakangnya. Buku ini menyajikan keterangan lengkap, tentang …
Buku ini berisi uraian mengenai polusi air dan udara. Polusi air dijelaskan dalam batasan polusi air, padatan, bahan buangan yang memerlukan oksigen, mikroorganisme, logam berat, bahan pencemar lain, penanganan air buangan. Sedangkan polusi udara akan dijelaskan dalam batasan polusi udara, karbon monoksida, nitrogen okside, hidrokarbon dan oksidan fotokimia, sulfur oksde, partikel, dan inversi …
Isu utama konflik nelayan berkisar pada masalah dominasi, bukan eksploitasi sebagaimana terjadi di kalangan buruh industri. Dalam konteks ini konsep jarak dominasi menjadi penting. Sekalipun isu tersebut benar-benar realistis, karena esensi konflik kelas nelayan menyangkut soal sumber penghidupan atau masalah hidup dan mati, maka konfliknya cenderung menjadi konflik kekerasan dan destruktif.rnr…
Buku ini berisi uraian mengenai pengorganisasian ruang, teori pola produksi pertanian dari Von Thunen: modifikasi oleh Sintelair,Teori-teori lokasi industri dari Weber, Losch, Hostelling dan Pred, Teori kota sebagai tempat pusat dari CHristaller dan Losch: kritik Von Boventer dan Abiodin, Teori struktur intern perkotaan dari Burgess, Hoyt dan Harris-Ullman, Interaksi keruangan, persepsi lingkun…