Di dalam buku ini terdapat 12 tulisan mengenai permasalahan-peramasalahan hak asasi dan perkawinan umat Khonghucu di Indonesia terkait dengan hukum, ekspresi iman, dan sosial. "Memilih agama adalah bagian paling asasi dari hak asasi manusia. Warga negara punya hak sendiri, terlepas dari negara dalam perkawinan dan agama. Dengan demikian negara berfungsi melayani warga negara, bukan sebalikny…
Buku ini menjelaskan mengapa agama tertentu memiliki kecenderungan tertentu untuk melahirkan fundamentalisme dibandingkan dengan agama lainnya dan mengapa gerakan-gerakan tersebut memiliki perbedaan sudut pandang mengenai penggunaan kekerasan untuk mencapai tujuan. Bruce menolak bahwa, secara psikologis, fundamentalisme merupakan respons rasional yang diberikan kaum religius tradisional terhada…
For two years, Pope Francis Has enchanted and bewildered the world in equal measure with his compassion and his contradictions. Expanding greatly on his acclaimed earlier book Pope Fanci's: Untying the Knots, Paul Vallely reexamines the complex past of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and adds nine new chapters, revealing many untold, behind the scenes stories that explain this pope of paradoxes. Valle…
This handsomely illustrated book contains a collection of quotes from the pope's speeches. prayers. and tweets that directly refer to the theme most often used by Pope Francis during the first two years of his papacy, Jorge Mario Bergoglio 's personal life and his pastoral actions have always been characterized by his special attention to the poor, the disadvantaged, and the needy, and it is th…
This is a work of nonfiction. The events and experiences detailed herein are all true and have been faithfully rendered as the author has remembered them, to the best of her ability. Some names, identities, and circumstances have been changed in order to protect the privacy and / or anonymity of the various individuals involved. Others have vetted the manuscript and confirmed its rendering of e…
One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it-it was the black kitten's fault enterely.rn For the white kitten had been having its face washed by the old cat for the last quarter of an hourrn ( and bearing it pretty well, considering) so you see that it couldn't have had any had in the mischief.
With the intensity of the California gold rush, corporations are racing to stake their claim on the consumer group formerly known as children. What was once the purview of a handful of companies has escalated into a gargantuan enterprise estimated at over $15 billion annually. While parents struggle to set limits at home, marketing executives work day and night to undermine their efforts with i…
Ada 2 tema pokok yang dibahas dalam buku ini, pertama tentang nilai-nilai penting dalam masyarakat yang diperjuangkan. Yang Kedua tentang menghargai, berdialog, dan bekerja sama dengan umat beragama atau berkepercayaan lain. Melalui dua topik tersebut teman-teman akan mempelajari nilai perjuangan dan kemampuan berdialog dan bekerja sama dengan umat agama lain.
Evangelisaai hanya dapat dilakukan dalam kemerdekaan. Kemerdekaan akan tampak dalam kemiskinan. Kemiskinan adalah benteng hidup religius. Oleh karena itu, pada masa kini kredibilitas hidup religius tetap tergantung pada mutu penghayatan hidup religius karena dalam kemiskinan itu akan tampak nilai-nilai yang diperjuangkan oleh kaum religius.
When Queen Victoria died in 1901, she had ruled for nearly sixty-four years. She was a mother of nine and grandmother of forty-two and the matriarch of royal Europe through her children's marriages. Too many, Queen Victoria is a ruler shrouded in myth and mystique, an aging, stiff widow paraded as the figurehead to an all-made imperial enterprise. But in truth, Britain's longest-reigning monarc…