Art defies precise definition simply because it has so many and such various forms. The aim of this book is to help the reader to explore a range of arts, from painting to drama, sculpture to film making, music to architecture. In addition to chapters on each of these arts, other chapters describe the contributions of individual artists. Devoting a double-page spread to each of 70 artists, these chapters describe the contributions of individual artists. Spanning the achievements of painters from Giotto to Jackson Pollock, architects from Brunelleschi to Le Corbusier, composers from Monteverdi to Stravinsky, and film makers from D.W. Griffith to Satyajit Ray-this book is filled with a wealth of artsts whose lives and work are clearly described and fully illustrated. This book as a whole can be read as a study in some depth of the ways in which individual artists have developed techniques of self-expression in a wide range of media over the centuries.
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