The Devine Comedy
Dante Alighieri was born in Florence, Italy in May, 1265, and died in Ravenna on September 14, 1321. He was the first important, at the same time the greatest, of all Italian poets. An eager student of the classics and of theology, he was also an active participant in the political life of his city. He took part in the victory over the Ghibellines at Campaldino in 1289, became alderman in 1296, and prior in 1300. Dante belonged to the moderate wing of the Guelphs, but because of the intrigues of Pope Boniface VIII and the intervention of Charles of Valois, brother of the king of France, the Bianchi were overthrown (November. 1301) by the radical wing of the Guelps (the Neri) and Dante and his companions were exiled early in 1302. Thus began a period of restless wandering and increasing bitterness, during which Dante as a pilgrim
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