Poor is Sin, A Little Path To Success
Buku ini berisi motivasi religius mengenai hubungan antara miskin dan dosa. Melalui buku ini setiap orang akan dibawa pada logika bahwa keselamatan diperoleh melalui kerja keras untuk menjadi kaya.rnrnPoor Is Sin, a Little Path to Success: having known this truth my life has totally been transformed! Total Quality that I establish with capital as low as 5 million rupiahs in these three years has developed into The Best Corporate Motivator with income of billions of rupiahs. Would you care to walk with me from here? rn-Johan Yan Master of Corporate Motivator.rnrnFor the first time, Johan Yan with reveal the truth of "POOR IS SIN"! This whole truth will transform your whole life, whatever background you might come from. This book will entirely discuss."
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