This dictionary will give any member of the family essential information about the meaning, spelling, and pronunciation of the 180,000 most important and most frequently used words in the English language. It record facts about the use of these words in both the spoken and written language. rnIn thia dictionary, the editors have anticipated the needs of users at all levels of school from elementary grades through college and professional school. Special attention is given to the age level at which various persons first encounter an individual word. Words that are used at early age are defined simply, so that children can readily understand the meanings. Whenecer possible, a simple definition is followed by an illustrative phrase or sentence that further slarifies the meaning. For words having several meanings, the definitions are arranged so that the most common meaning occurs first,a nd the least common meaning is last. Synonym lists, synonym studies and antonym lists are provided to help a speaker or writer use similar or opposite words more effectively.rnSeveral features make this dictionary especially easy to use. Every word, phrase, abbreviation, proper name, or foreign word is entered in a single alphabetical list. There are no supplementary lists or appendixes to confuse the reader. When an abbreviation has many meanings, its definitions are listed in tabular form.rnMore than two thousand pictures and diagrams give further information and simplify meanings so that they can be readily understood. By showing an object in use, the picture often gives quicker, fuller comprehension than a definition can give. The legends under the illustrations give sizes of animals, explain how things work, and make clear which definition of a word is shown by the picture.
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