GEOGRAPHY People and Places in a Changing World
This book will help you enable students to understand the challenges of today: providing for people and preserving the planet. They will discover have and the lives their lives and the lives of people around the world.rnThe Second Edition will help students explore the climate, environment, resources, and cultures of eleven world religions. In addition, the five themes of geography have been integrated throughout: location, place, people-environment relations, movement, and region.rnEAch unit journeys through one world culture region, exploring the physical geography, geographic and cultural history, regional characteristics, and contemporary issues. rnGEOGRAPHY People and Places in a Changing World offers a comprehensive, up to date, and flexible program designed for today's geography classroom. The complete program consists of the following carefully integrated components: student edition; teacher's wraparound edition; print support materials (teacher resources); media support materials.rn
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