Worldmark ENCYCLOPEDIA of Religious Practices (VOL 1 - 3)
The Worldmark Encyclopedia of Relilgious Practices has three volumes. Volume 1 includes essays on the history, beliefs, and contemporary practices of 13 major faith groups - African Traditional Religions, Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhis,. Taoism, and Anglicanism. Reform Judaism, Mahayana Buddhism, and Vaishnavism. These assay topics, selected by our advisory board, represent not only the world's largest religious proups but also smaller faith that habe had significanthistorical, cultural, or theological impact. rnThe essays ub volumes 2 and 3 follow a standard format: statistical information, an ovaerview of the country, one or more sections on major religions, a discussion of other religions, and a bibliography. The statistical information includes the country's total population and a breakdown by percentage of the major religious groups.
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