Erling Norrby shows that serendipitous events, reorienting the pathway of science, often occur through the actions of dedicated individuals with unique cultural backgrounds, an original sense of caules, and firm principles. Norrby's experience high-lights the significant challenges committee members face in wisely selecting Nobel Prize winners, challenges of which the recipients , myself includ…
There's a spiritual instinct in us all, and very few people do not at same stage in their lives find themselves praying, in one form or another. Often, it's crisis that brings us to our knees. But sometimes it's the sheer joy of being alive that makes us want to find someone to thank for our good fortune." - Bishop James Jones All religious agree on one thing that to be human is to pray. Th…
Kesuksesan tak hanya buah bakat dan kecerdasan serta usaha. Cara kita memandang diri, dunia, dan kesuksesan juga amat berperan. Karena itu, kunci sukses dalam segala pentas kehidupan sesungguhnya adalah pola pikir sehat. Orang berpola pikir sehat tidak menyalahkan keadaan dirinya. Alih-alih mengandalkan bakat dan kecerdasan, dia lebih menekankan proses belajar dan peran ikhtiar. Baginya, kesuks…
Guitarists have pursued the sounds of the stars since records began, and for many that has meant a lifelong wuest for the right instruments and amplification to get what they want. This book offers an honest assessment of the classic combinations of guitar and amp, showing what they doand why, explaining how they sounded for the stars and how they might sound for you. It offers a primer in e…
In his moving introduction to this book, Tony Bennet remembers being in the studio when his friend Frank Sinatra recorded "Summer Wind" : "He did it in one take. One take, and Sinatra gets into this gorgeous Italian sports car; rolls down his window and says to me, 'Was that all right, kid?' and - zing - he drives away. Perfect Sinatra!" Perfect Sinatra: Ten years after the great singer's de…
This is a fresh and fabulous collection of over 50 projects inspired by all things floral. Whether your taste is retro, vintage, romantic, modern or fantasy-inspired, you'll discover a bouquet of unique designs perfect for every occasion.Each chapter is bursting with perfect cards, quick-to-make tags, stunning 3D projects and variation ideas. Techniques include using punches, embossing and rubb…
Yearbook 2022 kali ini dengan latar kartun dan sketsa SMA Kolese Gonzaga bagian depan, pasti memberi warna tersendiri untuk seluruh anggota SMA Kolese Gonzaga. Selamat menikmati dan melihat kenangan dalam bentuk gambar dan tulisan. Selalu menarik untuk dibaca dan diingat kembali.
Utang pemerintah merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam Perekonomian Indonesia. Topik ini menimbulkan banyak perdebatan: mengenai perlu tidaknya, kemampuan untuk membayarnya. Apakah kita tidak mengemplang saja utang pemerintah tersebut dan sebagainya. Perdebatan itu sering menjurus menjadi emosional.
Eric Clapton is one of the most important and influential guitarist of all time. In his long career - with the Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and as a solo artist - Clapton has been honoured with countless awards and remains the only musician to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on three separate occasions. Rolling Stone magazine called Clapton the "greatest living guitarist." E…
Sistem komunikasi elektronik mengirimkan pola-pola pikir suatu pemerintahan modern. Hal ini sangat vital bagi sistem pertahanan negara tersebut.