The content this book is land of new begingings; seeking a more perfect union; an economy of abundance; arts with mass appeal; the power structure; the American dream.
The contents this book is oil-rich lands of destiny; the spiritual core; wanderers f the desert; buried treasure in Hills of Sand; the rise of the Saudis; miracles the Arabian gulf.
Penulisan Karya Tulis ini bertujuan untuk memberi informasi akan dampak kopi terhadap kinerja sel saraf pada otak. Adapun yang menjadi latar belakang penulisan ini karena Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara penghasil kopi terbanyak di dunia dan terus meningkat.Hasil penilitan menunjukan bahwa peminum harus sadar akan waktu dan jumlah kopi yang mereka minum agar peminum bisa merasakan efek dar…
The authors' approach to investing is that an investor must first learn about the environment in which he will be operating. That is, he should know about the risks associated with different types of investments, and the returns to be expected from them. He should know about the participants in the investnebt process, including organizations issuing the securities, investment bankers, and info…
With know-How at your hand you will be able to do it all for yourself. We take you in easy stages on a DIY trip round the home, showing you in colourful illustrations and detailed diagrams how to improve, repair and maintain the structural fabric outside and indoors, the plumbing, the basic electrics, the furniture and furnishings, the labour-saving sppliances the family car...rnKnow-how recomm…
The Worldmark Encyclopedia of Relilgious Practices has three volumes. Volume 1 includes essays on the history, beliefs, and contemporary practices of 13 major faith groups - African Traditional Religions, Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhis,. Taoism, and Anglicanism. Reform Judaism, Mahayana Buddhism, and Vaishnavism. These assay topic…
Buku ini berisi informasi tentang keluarga yang telah mempraktekkan pelatihan MOE, prinsip inkonsistensi dan pemilikan masalah, wawasan baru dalam membantu anak-anak mengatasi masalah mereka, menjadi orang tua yang mendengarkan,perubahan setelah orang tua menjadi pendengar, wawasan baru untuk membantu orang tua , pesan yang bermanfaat untuk orang tua, penerapan pesan, konflik orangtua-anak, men…
Nilai-nilai dan norma-norma itu dibentuk sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat setempat, yang pada akhirnya menjadi adat istiadat. rnBerbagai bentuk dan macam upacara tradisional yang terdapat dalam masyarakat pada umumnya dan masyarakat Jawa pada khususnya adalah pencerminan bahwa semua perencanaan, tindakan dan perbuatan telah diatur oleh tata nilai yang luhur.rnTata nilai yang dipancarkan melal…
In a villade deep in woodland of Dorset, the lives of the inhabitants, who gain their living from the trees around them, are affected by the lives of outsiders. Giles Winterbourne loves and is engaged to Grace Melbury, the daughter of a rich timber merchant. But when Giles loses his boney, Grace's father insists that his daughter marries a handsome and attractive yound docter, Eddred Fitzpiers.
Three classic stories set in rural Dorset, about people who lived on Egdon Heath in 1800s that have themes of mystery and romance. Who is the tall stranger who comes to the shepherd's cottage? Why has farmer Lodge's young wife fallen ill? Who will marry Tony Kytes?