Bali is as much a state of mind as it is an island. Man's greatest dreams and most terrifyang nightmares, come alive each day in the religious rituals, art, theater and music that dominate, every facet of life. Such cultural pursuits import a special ambience to the contours of the land itself - to the spledid terraced padis, the smouldering mountains, the waterfalls that cascade into ravines,…
This book is mainly the work of Hans Hoefer, founde of the Insight Guides series. Hoefer, a German Book designer and photographer, has traveled widely. During one of his travels to Bali, he was inspired to document his visit in words and pictures. The result, Insight Guide Bali, published in 1970. rnSingapore has long been the focus of the world's must storied region. Singapore shows you why i…
The enigmatic Philippines defy easy description. This archepelago of 7,000 odd islands sometimes seems to be floating in the wrong waters. Here is a land whose geography has placed it in Southeast Asia, but whose religion is predominantly Roman Catholic, whose colonists were Spanish and American, whose cuisine seems sedaste compared to the spicy chileies and curries of its mainland neighbors.
With know-How at your hand you will be able to do it all for yourself. We take you in easy stages on a DIY trip round the home, showing you in colourful illustrations and detailed diagrams how to improve, repair and maintain the structural fabric outside and indoors, the plumbing, the basic electrics, the furniture and furnishings, the labour-saving sppliances the family car...rnKnow-how recomm…
This book is a vital resource for understanding the phrases you can't learn from your Japanese friends because they'll just smile and say you're better off not knowing anyway.rnrnUsing Japanese Slang brings you the entertaining and colorful Japanese language as it's used in the real world, offering fascinating etymological ecplanations as well. It will give you the power to express the thoughts…
Dalam satu dasawarsa ke depan, lima miliar penduduk dunia akan berkenalan dengan dunia maya, menghadirkan segudang kesempatan dan ancaman bagi dunia kita.rnrnEric Schmidt dan Jared Cohen dari Google telah berkeliling ke tiga puluh lima negara termasuk beberapa yang sedang bergolak, untuk bertemu para pemimpin politik, pengusaha dan aktivis untuk mengetahui tantangan yang mereka hadapi. Dengan b…
Buku ini berisi informasi tentang bakat dan kreativitas, pemanduan anak berbakat, memupuk bakat dan kreativitas, serta pengembangan kurikulum berdiferensi.
Buku ini berisi tentang suka duka para guru dalam usaha mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Kisah-kisah inspiratifnya bnisa mengubah pandangan Anda tentang salah satu profesi palling mulia di dunia.
Buku ini memaparkan nihilnya peran negara atas geliat tenaga kerja Indonesia. Dengan rinci, buku ini membedah persoalan-persoalan yang berujung pada lahirnya rekomendasi cerdas dan kritis menyangkut kebijakan pemerintah Republik Indonesia dalam melaksanakan peran dalam mengelola TKI. Buku ini dapat menjadi referensi menarik bagi teman-teman yang ingin mendalami masalah sosial ekonomi, buruh mig…
Tafsir ini merupakan suatu karya yang sungguh besar, yang memenuhi salah satu dari berbagai kebutuhan pastoral yang paling mendesak dewasa ini. Tafsir ini memperkenalkan Alkitab kepada semua orang yang mencintai Sabda Allah. Sambil memperhatikan latar belakang historis Alkitab, tafsir ini menyingkapkan Sabda yang tidak pernah lapuk-lekang itu serta memperlihatkan bagaimana Sabda itu berbicara k…